It's important to give creative input to world's most pressing challenges

ArtScience Designs


Artist Ap Verheggen feels responsible to explore solutions from an artistic viewpoint for the CO2 issue. The current scientific solutions aren’t enough, and we need many new ideas for prompt action. While reducing CO2 emissions is crucial to slow down global warming, it might take a thousand years before we see significant changes. Verheggen believes it’s worth trying to speed up this process. Art offers a great way to create, refine, and test innovative perspectives. The examples presented are not the world’s solution, but initial ideas to be tested, aiming to stretch boundaries. Verheggen compares this approach to a tree with many branches: there are various paths, but making the right choices from the base is essential to reach the top safely.

Wind & Music as accelerator

When olivine grains come into contact with CO2, they are converted into a kind of chalk. This lime seals off the little stone and needs to be repeatedly cleaned to convert new CO2. The easiest way is to let the stones rub against each other. This process requires movement, which is generated in the accompanying model from wind energy, although musical notes can also accomplish the same. What could be more beautiful than saving the world with music? 

See the idea below.

The Chladni Sculpture

When a note is played, the olivine sand begins to vibrate until a beautiful pattern emerges. This phenomenon is called the Chladni effect. In this way, the process of converting CO2 into lime is greatly accelerated. It’s wonderful that with music, one can contribute to slowing down global warming.


Music to Vanish Carbon

With each key you press, a different note sounds. Each note creates a new pattern.

The Chladni effect ensures that the same pattern never emerges. The patterns are all different. However, the pitch does make the pattern resemble its predecessor, unless a different note is struck, in which case the pattern is entirely different.